Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Video-Kenya's Nubians-Then and Now

Kenya's Nubians: Then & Now from Greg Constantine on Vimeo.


  1. Nubians have lived in Kenya for over 100 years, yet they have been historically denied recognition. Originally from Sudan, they were conscripted into the British Army in the 1880s and fought for the British in WWI and WWII. Unable to return to Sudan, the British designated 4197 acres of land for the Nubians to settle on in Kenya. The Nubians named the land Kibra or 'land of forest'.

    After independence, Nubians were not recognized as citizens of Kenya and all of their claims to the land given to them by the British have been denied. Over the past 40 years, the small Nubian village of Kibra has transformed into Kibera, the largest slum in Africa.

    This multimedia feature incorporates rare historical photographs of the Nubian community dating back to 1912 with Constantine's own work.

  2. If u knw yo history u will knw where yo coming from. Its either the young generation in the Nubian community raise now and secure their then forest land, the generation to come will be very homeless...Nubians...Unity is our strength.
    believing in yourself is the strength. Nubians dont look at those discriminating on u.
    Thank u for this Video. Allah Bless U.
